JENNYZENYOGA is available for youth, friend, and individual yoga sessions. Programs are flexible and available for:
Jennifer combines her passions: teaching French, yoga & mindfulness, and presenting to her colleagues. She shares techniques and methodology that help teachers cope with life, both in and out of school. Workshops are offered during and after-school, for Professional Development Days, and can be in-person or virtual.
Please reach out to Jennifer to design the perfect Professional Development session and for pricing.
-Mindfulness & Breathing for Teachers
-Yoga for Everyone!
-Taking Care of Teachers First
-Mindful Movement
-Mindfulness Activities for the (World Language) Classroom
-Social Emotional Learning for the (World Language) Classroom
-Encouraging Proficiency Through MIndfulness & SEL Activities
-Encouraging MORE Proficiency Through Mindfulness & SEL Activities
-SEL in the Classroom: A Platform for Social Justice
-Mindfulness for More Productivity in the (World Language) Classroom
-Using Mindfulness, Meditation, & Yoga (in your Target Language) with Students (can also be adapted into a 3 hour workshop)
-Adapting Mindfulness and Yoga Strategies for Individuals with ASD
Co-Presented with Jennifer Steffener:
-The Words We Choose: Bringing More Compassion into the Classroom
-Self- Compassion for Professional Growth
Looking for something different or a combination of ideas? Please reach out to me and let's see what we can develop for your school.
Presented for:
(NEW- 2.5 CEUs)
2 CEU class taught by Jennifer Schwester & Jennifer Steffener, aka JEN SQUARED
LOOKING FOR A GROUP ACTIVITY? Try yoga with your friends. Session length and type
is tailored to your group and needs. Jennyzenyoga will come to your location. Reach out at jennyzenyoga@gmail.com.
You will receive an in-person or virtual 30, 45, or 60 minute yoga session for up to 4 people.
Choose From:
Here is my exciting news! A huge thank you to my fellow yogi CJ and his family for being there for my 1,000th hour of sharing yoga. I am grateful to all of my fellow yogis, my teachers and my teachers' teachers for being on this path with me.
What is a E-RYT 200 or Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hour? This credential signifies that a yoga teacher has completed a 200-hour teacher training with a RYS, and has at least 1,000 hours of teaching experience since completing training, and has also taught for at least two years post-training.
Jennifer Schwester, a.k.a. jennyzenyoga, has been providing yoga services and trainings to many underserved populations since 2018, including special needs adults, senior citizens, first responders (Police, Fire, EMS, and Dispatchers), and her high school French classes. She has been practicing yoga for the past 10 years after looking fo
Jennifer Schwester, a.k.a. jennyzenyoga, has been providing yoga services and trainings to many underserved populations since 2018, including special needs adults, senior citizens, first responders (Police, Fire, EMS, and Dispatchers), and her high school French classes. She has been practicing yoga for the past 10 years after looking for a new path of self-care, and expanded her practice by becoming a Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT-200). She is also an Ambassador for Yoga For First Responders and teaches for the Veterans Yoga Project.
Yoga came to Jennifer eight years ago after she was diagnosed with Stage 2+ breast cancer. Yoga became part of her self-care program and kept her calm through many rough patches. It has helped her to focus on what is important (health and family) and to regain strength and flexibility in her body after surgery and treatments.
She compl
Yoga came to Jennifer eight years ago after she was diagnosed with Stage 2+ breast cancer. Yoga became part of her self-care program and kept her calm through many rough patches. It has helped her to focus on what is important (health and family) and to regain strength and flexibility in her body after surgery and treatments.
She completed her 200-RYT training at Breathe Life Sangha in March 2018 and is looking forward to continuing her journey and education with yoga. Jennifer brings her 24 years experience as a French teacher to the mat, and loves that she can bring mindfulness into the lives of her students.
When Jennifer is not at high school or not on her mat, she is walking her dog in the fresh air and at the beach!
Yoga not only helps improve your body, but also helps with mindfulness and meditation. It is important to take a break from daily life in order to focus on yourself and get clarity. Focusing on your breath during practice is key to staying in tune with your mind and body.
Roxborough Fire for Effect Athletics- 11am-12pm
North East CrossFit Prime- 19:30-20:30
Roxborough Fire for Effect Athletics- 11am-12pm
North East CrossFit Prime- 19:30-20:30
I am thrilled to become a teacher for the Veterans Yoga Project! Please reach out if you would like Movement and Breathing sessions or Yoga sessions for your support group!
-Great workshop! I plan to incorporate this in my class.
-Great accomodations for the student needs.
-Very well presented!
-Outgoing, hands-on (for participants), and modifications were great.
-Helpful to see how someone else does this. :-) Merci pour les strategies!
-This is especially important if you work with GT- a characteristic of that group is hypersensitivity.
-Lots of great ideas to use. You are very passionate and it's evident that you truly care about your students.
-FANTASTIC...finally making the acquisition of language more human and natural....Beautifully presented! TY!
-Very enjoyable and useful for a classroom activity as well.
-A great way to have students apply language and learn life skills.
-Merci! Quelle bonne manière de commencer la journée!
-Merci pour la séance. Je vois que le yoga serait un moyen excellent de travailler le vocabulaire du corps avec les élèves et de leur offrir des moments de calme en classe !
-Quelle merveilleuse façon de commencer une journée devant un écran!
-Merci beaucoup! I can definitely see my students enjoying this meditation. It is very practical to the classroom.
Breakout rooms were super useful. I got a lot of chances to interact as opposed to just sitting and listening.
The presenter was very knowledgeable!
More teachers should have taken advantage of the session.
Jenn was well prepared and provided excellent resources for teachers.
Targeting to both teacher and students' needs
I will likely attend this presenter's presentations again & more on the topics covered.
The instructor's clear and detailed explanations of all of the course content. The instructor was very warm, and took her time to explain all aspects of the course in a very patient manner.
Yes! Definitely! All teachers should have the opportunity to attend this phenomenal conference.
Thank you for a fabulous presentation! I was taking notes at warp speed because of all the excellent materials you were presenting. I especially loved your invitation to seek a balance with the freedom/no-freedom we have with the curriculum and with creating a nourishing environment where learners can feel welcomed.
How great that you decided to present at MFLA! We appreciate what you do to enrich the professional development of our members!
Claudia Dugan
(She, her, hers)
MFLA Board Member
MFLA Past President
Thank you again for your sessions as I attended both. You know as a teacher, we NEVER take time to just breath, rest, and refocus. It felt great to do that. (Teacher)
Thank you! It was a great session. I really enjoyed it! (3rd grade teacher)
I LOVED our Yoga session with you.
I feel so much more relaxed!!! This was AWESOME!!!
Thank you so much!!!!
6th grade Mathematics teacher
Williamstown Middle School
Thank you again for the sessions you provided today. They were popular for sure. (Administration)
-Yoga For Everyone (2 sessions)
-Mindfulness and Breathing for Teachers
My post on FB: I have had the great joy to provide virtual yoga sessions for the Coastal Learning Center in Howell. We had a bunch of sessions over the summer and have had a few in December and January due to their school going all-virtual again. I love working with all of them because the staff and students participate together. Today the students surprised me with handmade signs that they held up to their cameras at the end of practice. It was the sweetest thing! The amount of hearts that were drawn took some time. While I'm happy that they are all going back to their school building next week, I'll miss our online sessions.
We absolutely are so grateful to have had you teaching us how to relax and recharge ourselves! The students and staff so looked forward to seeing you and sharing your yoga lessons with us. It has been such a joy!! Coastal can't thank you enough!
"I loved this presentation. Was thrilled to see this content at Autism NJ this year.
Speaker was phenomenal, very engaging and likable. "
"Best presentation of the conference. Hands down "
"I am also a certified yoga instructor, I think the presentation is great for non yoga instructors and those teacher older students. I am interested in looking into the references she posted at the end of her presentation."
"Glad that you presented on this topic "
Thank you! I teach in a diverse, low income, inner city community, and many of my students have anxiety and difficult situations at home. I have discovered the importance of mindfulness in lowering the affective filter of my K-5 students, and connecting with them in a meaningful way so that they want to learn. I love the rainbow breath exercise, and also using the Spanish parts of the body in mindfulness exercises. I have a great llama book that I will be sharing with my students that is in English but teaches them yoga poses in a cute way. I have noticed and felt a huge difference in my students and their enthusiasm about learning when we have taken mindfulness moments and worked on calming techniques. Thank you for some great ideas for how I can do more of them in the TL as my goal is to reach that 90% TL use in my classroom! - NY State Teacher (Mindfulness Workshop)
I love the calm place, and gratitude graffiti. I can easily modify them for my FLES students. I also like to use emojis for various projects and activities, and am going to add a check in activity with emojis to my class routine, as many of my students have ACES, and need help with coping skills, and time with our counselors. Thank you. - NY State Teacher (Social Emotional Learning Workshop)
Thank you for the many, many activity ideas! We are so often told to "do SEL" and it's nice to have so many ideas of what that could look like in the TL put together in one place.
This was a very informative session full of many positive ideas and activities to do with our kiddos. Thank you!
a positive uplifting message with some great ideas to easily insert into our classrooms. thank you for sharing.
I loved your ideas about adapting SEL lessons to target language for advanced learners.
This session is not only very relevant right now, but is great to have as a resource for the future too. I love all the info and links, as well as the modeling of some of the mindful activities. Thanks!
Good reminders. The virtual classroom is so much harder for teachers. I sometimes forget that students are having a hard time, too.
Connecting in the Virtual Classroom - SEL Strategies in the Target Language
Mindfulness for the Virtual Language Classroom
Having practiced yoga and been through counseling before, only some of this information was new, but it was still a really great presentation specifically geared towards teachers who are sitting a lot more than usual and experiencing a lot of stress with the way our jobs are changing. So while the information was "recycled" for me, it was still presented in a unique way so that I apply old skills to new situations in ways that I hadn't thought of before.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or inquiries, or to learn more about my class schedules.
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